Thursday, April 1, 2010


I have officially finished my first draft of my manuscript (waiting for the applause...still waiting). Okay, so maybe it was only a big deal to me, but I was excited as can be! So, here is my thank you speech:

Thank you to my husband for believing me when I said, "I'm writing my book," and eating sandwiches many a night instead of a cooked meal. Oh, and for not getting upset when I rejected a few of your ideas during our impromptu brainstorming session on the way to Cincinnati. Raquetball, really? Thanks for the good ideas.

Thank you to my children for walking away (when it wasn't an emergency, of course) so that Mommy could write one more paragraph or finish this scene before jumping into action.

Thank you to my mother, who always encouraged me to write, write, write! And to my sisters, who brought all their essays, stories, and other school work to me for editing and revising (good practice).

Thank you to Candace Havens and her Fast Draft/Revision Hell online course. Without that course, I probably (possibly) would have finished my draft eventually, but the motivation to get it done quicker, made all the difference.

And thank you to my characters for finally straightening up, figuring things out, and coming together for your happily ever after.

Yay me!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome!! Round of applause from this side of Lexington!!


About Me

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I have been a writer all my life. I still have pleasant memories of typing my "plays" about talking fruits for hours at the age of eight. I gave up on the fruits, but not my love of writing. I hope to publish within the next year. I have been working on at least three book manuscripts, two narrative articles, and 1 poem. Other than that, I work, pretend to clean, and try to be a good wife and mother (work in progress).