Monday, March 29, 2010

So Close

I have officially written over 40,000 words on my manuscript. I have also revised the first 25 pages and submitted the first 4,000 words to the TARA writing contest (that's the Tampa Area Romance Writer's of America), but I really only hope to get some feedback. I'd love to have a critique partner, but right now, that's only my dear husband, whom I will from now on call Sharky in this blog (pet name when we were way, way younger). He does have great ideas, but he doesn't read romance nor, obviously, write romance.

Here's a little taste of what Cole Anderson, my hero in my current wip, looks like in my head. Hope you like.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Synopsis Trouble and Contest

Contest is at the bottom of the post and will end Saturday, March 27, 2010, no joke.

Okay, I am trying my little heart out to write a synopsis for my current wip. It is like pulling teeth or toenails or any other kind of horrendous torture. Having only written one other, I think I'm a tad inexperienced, and I have to finish it today, so I can tweak it tomorrow. I want to send it off to a contest (I think I just peed a little in my pants) and see if I can get a few critiques.

I also sent a personal essay to Skirt! Magazine yesterday, and I've only checked my e-mail about 50 times since then. No word so far, which I'm taking as a good thing because maybe their taking time to read it and think about it. Here's hoping!

I also entered a blog discussion about what Gena Showalter should name her next Lords of the Underworld novel about Strider, a warrior possessed by the demon of defeat. I gave several suggestions, my favorites of which are: The Darkest Submission, The Darkest Aim, and The Darkest Craving, but so far, no word on which of the over 200 posts will win an ARC (advanced reader's copy) of The Darkest Passion. (Oh, please pick me!)

Anyhoo, I am going to get back to my dreaded synopsis.

Oh, one other thing, would anybody be interested in an autographed copy of Once Upon A Knight, by Jackie Ivie. I'll be happy to put you in for a drawing, if you will follow this blog and follow me on Twitter or if you can help me out by giving me a good resource for writing a synopsis. Just leave a comment in this post once all is set up. My twitter is the same as my blog: kiera mcallister.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Story

Thinking of writing a short story, and here is the hero as I picture him. Tell me what you think.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Okay, it's not officially a term, but that's what I've been doing all day at one of the blogs of one of my favorite authors--the amazing Gena Showalter. I have followed her blog now for almost a year, but noticed she's blogged much longer than that, so I decided to read past posts.

Now, I'm not reading word for word (I mean, I'm a stalker, not insane), but I love that she included writing tips, book recommendations, lots of hot men, and her charismatic personality comes through very strongly. If you haven't read any of Mrs. Showalter's books, there are many, but for me the Atlantis Series is what drew me in. Now, she's mostly known for her Lords of the Underworld series, which is amazing and still building. Anyway, I will post a link here to her blog, just in case you want to do a little blog-stalking yourself.

Current wip is coming together, but of course it's getting hard to close the deal, as it were, because I now have a better idea of the motivations of the characters, and really need the story to re-route. No problem...just lots of rewriting (I'm sobbing right now).

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Little Laugh

A little funny for you today. You might also check out a blog
I laughed out loud until my husband kept asking what was so funny. He also asked me why I was looking at half-naked men, but I assured him it was all in the name of writing research.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Writing Workshop with Mary Buckham

I just attended an especially helpful writing workshop today given by the Kentucky Romance Writers group. Mary Buckham, an author and presenter, gave a useful and informative workshop on sexual tension. Now, I had seen something similar before, but never explained in such detail. I would highly recommend this for writers, and I understand that she does online workshops as well. Her website is and explains her current published works, including a non-fiction book titled Break into Fiction, which she co-authored with Dianna Love.

As an update, I am slowly, but surely finishing my draft. It is about 70 pages from being finished, and I'm excited because I know how it's going to end, and I've been keeping notes on the changes I'll go back and make to make it better. So, I feel confident about finishing this one.

If you have any good news, feel free to post it here.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Inspired Through Scene!

Aw Yeah, uh-huh! I made it through that pivotal scene, and I'm happy with the result. Now past 30,000 words. My characters are finally really together, and now, I just have to mess that up one more time with the black moment (rubbing my hands together, evilly). That's okay because when they come back together, it will be worth it for their happily ever after.

I also have gotten much inspiration lately from some of my more...ahem...heat-up-the-night books. These are great for any not so hot love scenes. Turns up the fire quickly.

If you are a writer, or even if you've ever thought about writing, what places, people, or even resources seem to inspire you most?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Slow Progress

I thought I'd add a little Captain Awesome to any Chuck fans' day. Even if you don't watch Chuck, you can probably appreciate the...ahem...awesomeness.

Still working on my wip. I have to push today to try to make it through a pivotal scene, and I'm nervous I won't have the right words. I know, I know, I can go back and make it better, but I already have one scene that will have to be totally re-written. Anyway, at least I'm writing and close to the end. Keep on keeping on.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Not finished yet, but the word count is above 25,000, so I am making progress. It took me a little while to figure out why my characters ended up at a certain place, but then it hit me, and it was perfect to resolve one of the conflicts that would have easily been a dealbreaker for a relationship.

I think there will be around 18 chapters, and I have 11 completed. I'm excited to know where its going and how it will end. Now, to get the words just right. Easy peasy, right?

I'm also posting a picture of a hottie-alottie that I recently saw in Leap Year--the gorgeous Brit, Matthew Goode. I am totally going to use him for another story I'm working on.

About Me

My photo
I have been a writer all my life. I still have pleasant memories of typing my "plays" about talking fruits for hours at the age of eight. I gave up on the fruits, but not my love of writing. I hope to publish within the next year. I have been working on at least three book manuscripts, two narrative articles, and 1 poem. Other than that, I work, pretend to clean, and try to be a good wife and mother (work in progress).