Friday, April 10, 2009

What have I gotten myself into?

Ok, so I'm in quite a pickle. I went and entered a writing contest that requires a complete manuscript for the second round. Ha-Ha! Funny thing about that is I have a little over half of a manuscript. You can see the humor, right?

The reality is that I have three weeks until the second round, so it's possible to finish the manuscript (I have an outline after all) in two weeks and revise in the third week. Yeah, I could do that, except that's not all I have to do. I have a day job, a husband and three kids, and on top of it all, I have a large presentation and paper due about the same time. Doable? Yes. Easily doable? Probably not without ticking off some people I love dearly.

Well, I do love pickles, usually the ones that are dill (crunchy and a little sour), but this one might be just what I need to give me a good kick in the butt to get my book written. And, just to be realistic, there are thousands entering this very same contest. My odds of getting chosen are slim, so I really don't feel a need to break out into an itchy rash or anything just yet.

I'll keep updating on the *fantastic* progress I'm making.

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About Me

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I have been a writer all my life. I still have pleasant memories of typing my "plays" about talking fruits for hours at the age of eight. I gave up on the fruits, but not my love of writing. I hope to publish within the next year. I have been working on at least three book manuscripts, two narrative articles, and 1 poem. Other than that, I work, pretend to clean, and try to be a good wife and mother (work in progress).